Monday, May 7, 2012


A dude is knocking on all the doors on this floor saying ‘Mini bar.’

I guess he comes into all the rooms and restocks the fridge and the snack basket. 

Yeah, he just came in and did that. 

But holy smokes was that stressful. I kept hearing the knocks and thinking they were on our door. 

But then I would hear them again even closer, so i kept feeling more and more shakily certain they were here.

I kept answering him. 

He kept not answering me, but coming somehow nearer and repeating his knocky-chant.

Then a DEAFENING knock on our door. 


And I answered it. 

Holy gorilla pancakes. That shit was like out of Hitchcock.

I’m glad my name isn’t alfred.

And I'm glad we now have all these Cokes!

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