Tuesday, May 8, 2012

i think i'm gonna like it here

Used-to town: Cill would frown
Street snacks only meats

Everywhere, holy sheetz!

There are many numerous copious plethoras of other reasons I think I can make it here.

One is that there is a kind of green tea with pepper seeds that is so delicious I want to bathe my face in a river of it. 

Another is that it is warm and sunny and breezy all at the same time, which means I smell like sunblock all the time, and I love the smell of sunblock. 

A third is that the nickname Betsy is spelled 'Bete' and pronounced 'Betch.' 

A fourth is that Mark came out of a restaurant bathroom  and said 'If I understand correctly, a sign in there reads 'Please do not pee on the floor.'

Also the diet coke here is fortified with B-vitamins, magnesium and zinc. SUPERCILL.

Furthermore, I have to hand it to Brazil: the Italian food here rules.

I'm very very very glad to volunteer.

pipoca cart, kids

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