Monday, May 7, 2012

clean towels

Brazilian toilets have spray gun hoses attached, like how some kitchen sinks have spray guns for rinsing dishes.

The toilet hose guns are not for dishes though. They’re for rinsing penises, vaginas, anuses, taints, and maybe butt cheeks.

My Brazilian friend said he particularly likes to rinse his anus with his toilet hose gun.

I thought aloud that that must feel nice, but then wondered aloud what happens when you stand up. 

‘Doesn’t it drip into your clothes?’

‘No no it’s okay, you keep a little towel nearby to dry yourself.’

But that means he keeps an anus towel in his bathroom. 

Which means I’m now a little weird about drying my hands in his bathroom. 

(I don’t.) 

I mean, it’s probably a clean anus towel, if his anus was clean when he used it. 

But still.

rinse that anus, son

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