Thursday, November 8, 2012

RUA TRIP! part 2: the fog

It was so beautiful, so enchanting and atmospheric that we kind of forgot that it was also 'dangerous' and we maybe could crash and get dead..

We never bothered to find out if the thick mist hovering over the winding mountain roads on the way to Paraty was a weather condition or just part of that area's climate. And know what? I'm not going to. I don't want to know. It was just part of the magic of driving somewhere in Brazil.

Sure, the hairpin curves and sharp climbs and drops were all pretty hard on my balls. (HEHEHEH hard on my balls HEHEHEH) But I'd do it again right now. It was just so lush and green and dewy and Narnia, even with all the SUV's and road signs and Tickby's gangsta rap.

It could have been frustrating, to be slowed down so much after the open highway, but this was easily my favorite part of the rua from São Paulo to Paraty. I felt like we were in Escape From Witch Mountain. I don't know why, because I can't remember anything about that movie other than the names 'Tony' and 'Tia' and 'Grandpa,' but there we were. It was witchy and mountainy and we were on an escape.

This foggy noise did turn into rain-and-fog though, and as we got closer and closer to Paraty it still felt farther away as the rain intensified or the occasional traffic stopped on the country roads.

So it ended up taking like eight hours to get there.

It was late when we arrived. And it was raining. So we were kind of bummed about these things, but it was so wonderful to be out of the car that I just didn't care. Plus, as you'll see if you read on, Paraty is bananas-awesome.

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