Sunday, November 4, 2012


agave nectar
pirate themed ice (skull and bones-cicles)
maybe other stuff

Tickby and I were gearing up to go to the Skye Bar yesterday afternoon - so she could take some São Paulo photos before she heads home on Saturday - when she got an interesting email from her bank. It read something like:

Dear Tickby,

We're sorry we didn't let you buy all those thousands of dollars worth of electrical equipment in São Paulo today and yesterday. We just thought the purchases seemed suspicious. So please like, call us and tell us you're good and you want all that electrical equipment, and we'll let the next purchases go through no problem. Also, mayhap you should put a bunch more money in your checking account, seeing as you've debited like over $7,000 in the last few days, mostly on electrical equipment.

-Chase Manhattan

A bunch of time ended up spent on the phone with those guys, who said we had to stay by a computer for the rest of the day to fill out time-sensitive paperwork as it was sent to us. No skye bar. paperwork.


Me: Yeah, you know it's so hot out anyway it might be nicer to stay in.

Tickby: Yeah, I was thinking that anyway, it's kind of late.

Me: …Want to get shitfaced?

Tickby: Yes.

I don't know how much I drank. There are large chunks of the evening I don't remember at all. But funnily enough I do remember three different moments at which I thought - hot DAMN I've had a lot to drink! I shouldn't have any more to drink.

someone bought mad electrical coisas
Also, as we got more and more thoroughly hammered, we learned stuff. Drunk googling is still googling. Apparently what happened to Tickby is that her debit card information was stolen by way of a tiny hidden camera installed somewhere in an ATM in Rio de Janeiro, which recorded the number and her PIN. Then someone used it somehow to go shopping for electrical equipment in São Paulo.

Now that I'm sober though I'm realizing there are some story-holes here. How would they use her card number in a store if they didn't physically have the card? Wait I think I asked that when I was drunk because an answer just floated into my head from some vague memory: they put that number on a different card, and ... I don't know. I mean they have tons of electrical equipment. They prolly used that.

Chase Manhattan is currently 'doing an investigation' to determine for themselves that the information was actually stolen. tickby is afraid they will conclude that because the PIN number was used in the purchases, it must have been Tickby making them. I doubt this, but it will still be a nice relief when their investigation is over and they have apologized to Tickby and put $7,000 back into her account.

And I wish I could remember how I made the fraudtinis, because they were friggin delicious.

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